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Discoverable Me!

I just did a session at #LA13SCBWI called DISCOVERABLE ME and I sent my presentation to all my attendees. If you attended and did not receive a link, please let me know and I'll resend. It was a great experience (standing room only!) and I hope it was of use to the terrific folks who chose my session over a dozen fabulous other sessions offered at the same time. This conference is a bit of a talent smorgasbord!


Middle Grade Monday!

I am honored to be featured today on talented and prolific author Madelyn Rosenberg (@madrosenberg)'s fabulous blog for Marvelous Middle Grade Monday, aka #MMGM! For the record, I do actually love to sleep and wish I slept more. 

Mmm, sleep...



Thingamagig Geniuses At Work

Wow! Yesterday, I got to judge kid creations at the @ymcadc Thingsmagig, which is an amazing conference for kids who like to invent stuff using recycled material (including lots of PJ jugs!). Check out a mere sample of their creative work, which included architecture, fashions, vehicles, marble mazes, robots and more! Too cool!


Beyond Books: A @FirstBook @AFTUnion #TEACH13 panel

It was my honor and pleasure to join Jacqueline Woodson and Lulu Delacre for Beyond Books, a mini-plenary session presented as part of the AFT TEACH Conference!

Here we are with Michael Dixon, veteran math teacher, AFT organizer, First Book supporter, and our masterful moderator:



Walk on the WILD side

ACES WILD, that is!  From Callie Feyen's blog: