Skyping to say "Thanks!"

When Life Gives You O.J. is on the master list for the Dorothy Canfield Fisher Award! This is a huge deal for me because I voted for this award as a kid growing up in Vermont. It's also nominated for the Rhode Island Children's Choice Book Award and I am thrilled about that, too.
To say THANK YOU to Vermont and Rhode Island librarians and educators, I am offering free 20-minute skype visits to all Vermont and Rhode Island libraries, reading groups and 3rd-8th grade classrooms. Email me (erica at ericaperl dot com) and I'll try to set it up - first come, first serve, my work schedule permitting.
My Special "Juicy Thank You to Vermont and Rhode Island!" Free Skype Package contains:
- Five minutes of me talking about how my experience as a kid in New England (I actually moved from Rhode Island to Vermont!) led to me being an author and writing this book.
- Five minutes of me reading aloud from When Life Gives You O.J.
- Ten minutes of Q & A with your students.
ALSO I am waiving my usual requirement that the students read the book first.
Although I will happily talk about the book (and the sequel, which comes out next year!) with kids who have read it, I am equally happy to introduce the book to kids who have not read it yet. My goal is to get kids reading and excited about having a vote, whether they cast it for my book or not. In fact, I'm hoping other nominated authors will join me so the kids can skype with a few of the finalists if possible.
In addition, I built a First Book fundraising page (it's easy! you can, too!). While I am skyping for free, if any of the schools or libraries that book me for this have any funds available, I am encouraging them to make a donation (of any size) to First Book in honor of my visit. These donations will provide brand new books to children in need in Vermont and Rhode Island.
Here's a videoclip of me skyping with kids in Minnesota, if you're curious whether a skype visit is right for you: