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Skyping to say "Thanks!"

When Life Gives You O.J. is on the master list for the Dorothy Canfield Fisher Award!  This is a huge deal for me because I voted for this award as a kid growing up in Vermont.  It's also nominated for the Rhode Island Children's Choice Book Award and I am thrilled about that, too.

To say THANK YOU to Vermont and Rhode Island librarians and educators, I am offering free 20-minute skype visits to all Vermont and Rhode Island libraries, reading groups and 3rd-8th grade classrooms.  Email me (erica at ericaperl dot com) and I'll try to set it up - first come, first serve, my work schedule permitting.

My Special "Juicy Thank You to Vermont and Rhode Island!" Free Skype Package contains:

  • Five minutes of me talking about how my experience as a kid in New England (I actually moved from Rhode Island to Vermont!) led to me being an author and writing this book.
  • Five minutes of me reading aloud from When Life Gives You O.J.
  • Ten minutes of Q & A with your students.

ALSO I am waiving my usual requirement that the students read the book first. 

Although I will happily talk about the book (and the sequel, which comes out next year!) with kids who have read it, I am equally happy to introduce the book to kids who have not read it yet.  My goal is to get kids reading and excited about having a vote, whether they cast it for my book or not.  In fact, I'm hoping other nominated authors will join me so the kids can skype with a few of the finalists if possible.

In addition, I built a First Book fundraising page (it's easy! you can, too!).  While I am skyping for free, if any of the schools or libraries that book me for this have any funds available, I am encouraging them to make a donation (of any size) to First Book in honor of my visit.  These donations will provide brand new books to children in need in Vermont and Rhode Island.

Here's a videoclip of me skyping with kids in Minnesota, if you're curious whether a skype visit is right for you: 



Practice Pet Paradise

Today, I discovered a new blog.  Hi, Mr. Ford!

I also discovered the answer to the question, "What do you build to house your (made-from-an-orange-juice-jug-as-in-When-Life-Gives-You-O.J.) practice pet?"

Behold, Mr. Ford's milk jug igloo (as seen on Mr. Ford's blog, and as built with his students!):

I am seriously impressed with this.  If you have photos of any other practice pets, practice pet accessories, or practice pet pavillions to promote, please pop them in the post (or email) to your pal, ESP and I will prioritize them personally!




Poem in MY pocket

Ode to an April 26th Assignment

Poetry Month -
I love you a bunth!
No grammar, no rhyme.
No problem with lines that run on and on and on and on for a very long time.
Anything goes!
Which is good, I suppose,
for people like me
who stayed up late watching tv
and didn't write poems,
despite that they owe 'em
to teachers at 9.
But guess what? I'm fine!
I'm perfect! I'm great
I wrote this poem over breakfast:
Done at half past 8!


Happy Valentine's Day with O.J.!

Who do I love?  That's easy:

1. My sweet husband and kids

2. Our adorable dog Clover and lovely guinea pig Violet.  Neither of whom would dream of eating things that are not food.  And if you believe that, I have a pair of partially digested shoes to sell you...

3. Our family and dear friends, near and far.

4. New friends I make through my books!

Today, I want to give a shout out to two subcategories of category #4:

ALL THE KIDS WHO READ WHEN LIFE GIVE YOU O.J. AND WERE INSPIRED TO MAKE THEIR OWN "O.J."s and M.J.'s, and in honor of today, V.J.'s like this one, which is a beaut!  Thanks to Kristen Kilpatrick for the submission (@kkilpatrick7):

AND I also want to give a heartfelt shout-out to teachers and librarians and bloggers and podcasters today.  Librarians like Mr. Schu, book bloggers like the fabulous gals at Kidsmomo and that amazing Katie Davis, and teachers like Colby Sharp and Eric Carlson, who get so excited about books and book creators that they invite them in via video chats like this:

Which is awesome because, as Mr. Carlson notes, it makes a huge connection... which is what today's all about, right? 

So, thank you guys for sharing the book love!  Big Valentine's hugs from me and O.J.!



He's Number Ten!

You know what?!  Chicken Butt made the Top Ten!  Picture book check outs at Park View Elementary, that is.

Surprised?  Honestly, don't you people watch THE NEWS???

Thanks so much, @LibLaura5, for spreading the word.

Have a great weekend, everyone.  Read a good book!

(That's right, Clover, I said READ.  Not "eat."  Good dog!)