With a Little Help from My Friends (Part One)

When you have a new book come out, as I did this month, the best part is sharing it. Nothing would make me happier than beaming myself all over the country - nay, the WORLD - to hand When Life Gives You O.J. to readers and talk to them about it. However, for a variety of reasons (trying to write other books, trying to spend quality time with my family and the nest of robins on my front porch, and the fact that beaming oneself is NOT as easy as they make it look on Star Trek), I have to rely on others to help get the word out. And that is where my wonderful book friends come in. Let me pay homage to a few...
Mr. Schu (a.k.a. Johnny Orangeseed!)
Yes, the fabulous Mr. Schu has been the hardest working man in cross-country-literacy these days (competing with reining champ Jennifer Frances a.k.a. Bess the Book Bus), taking his Schu on the road - get it? - and talking up his favorite books, including When Life Gives You O.J.! He's even wearing his When Life Gives You O.J. backpack and snapping photos of it in cool places. I was so thrilled to get to meet John in person at ALA. I'm sure it will comes as no surprise to learn that he is every bit as nice as you think he's going to be, and then some (this is true of Travis Jonker, too). Those kids at his school are super-lucky, that's for sure. As am I to have him taking O.J. down many new roads!
I actually met Katie Davis, as well as Dianne de Las Casas, at ALA last year. And I'm so glad I did, because they were instrumental parts of my most fun experiences at ALA this year! Both Katie and Dianne are forces of nature in their own rights. Dianne is an author and storyteller who can only be described as captivating (on stage and off), and who has the best shoes on either bank of the Mississippi. Katie does everything (and does it well, too!) - writing, illustrating, keeping up on all things interactive and keeping the rest of us in the loop. I would be hugely grateful for her contributions even if she didn't do cool and kind things like read my books and tweet her love for them and put me on TV. What? Oh, yeah, you heard me right!
There have been lots of new friends who have found me recently, thanks to When Life Gives You O.J. I'm going to try to put all the fabulous blog reviews up on my website. But since there have been so many great ones, please forgive me, bloggers, for not listing all of you by name and accept my deep thanks for reading and sharing. Special thanks to Slate's Double X blog, which made O.J. its Book of the Week! And thanks to all the folks who have posted Amazon reviews (keep 'em coming, please!), especially the kids who have posted theirs - how cool is that? And not just girls -- boys, people, boys!
My last shout out du jour goes to a very special group of friends - my dear pals in the 'hood who cheer me on, day in and out, and who have kindly offered to throw me and O.J. a book party (foolishly, perhaps, for the one who offered her house) this weekend! It will be a grown-ups and kids and "practice dogs" affair, with a practice dog show and prizes and, thanks to my friends at Politics and Prose, books available and happily signed on the spot. If you live within shouting distance of me and are just learning of this, let me know. Your evite is probably in your spam filter. I know mine is.