Chicken Butt - World Traveler!

In case you did not know, our pal Chicken Butt! has taken his ample personality on the road and has charmed folks in all sorts of places. Like where, you ask? Well...
Minneapolis (above), where he's hanging out with two of the cutest brothers in town!!!
Nashville (To visit a First Book warehouse full of books! He loves books!)
and, of course, one of his favorite places to roost:
New York City!!! Doesn't he look like a Macy's parade balloon here? Hmm, now there's an idea...
Send photos of Chicken Butt! in action and I will post them here. From what I understand, he's on the road again. I heard a rumor he might be flying to Chicago, Denmark and maybe even Bangladesh! Though he's mildly concerned about how his health will fare if he agrees to that last destination.