Talking to You Corded!

Check it out!
"I'm Talking to You Corded!", my slideshow on images of technology in children's books is on Slate's front page! If you've ever wondered why there is so little modern technology depicted in picture books, this is the article for you!
And if THAT weren't enough media exposure for this week, my review of FRONTLINE's "Storm Over Everest" (which airs tonight) is on
By the way, writing about Bob Shea's New Socks (image above) led me to correspond with Bob himself, which led to a fabulous book-swap-by-media-mail race. We're calling the race a draw to protect Bob's feelings... but we're ALL winners! Especially my kids, who loooooove Bob's books.
Researching this article, I also got to chat with one of my favorite illustrators, Marla Frazee, who looks like she and I should share hair products. I'm a big fan of Deva Curl lately, Marla. And of course, my pal Alison Morris, who is Da Source for all things kiddish and bookish. Thanks, guys!
All that and the cover of Slate - not a bad week!