Ladies and Gentlemen, Start Your Babies!

As you no doubt know, I'll be reading and signing books on Saturday, May 12, 2007 from 12:30 - 2 pm at the BABY AND KIDS EXPO in York, PA. Now, I'm reason alone to attend this fine event. However, if you need an additional reason to go (and arrive early), look no farther:
"Get ready, get set and crawl! Memorial Hospital is sponsoring its second annual Diaper Derby as part of the Baby and Kids Expo on Saturday, May 12 at the York Expo Center (Memorial Hall East).The Derby will begin at 11 a.m. During the Derby, children will compete by crawling from one end of a mat to the other. There will be co-ed heats of five to 10 children.The derby is open to children who are 13 months old or younger as of May 12 and are not yet walking.The winner will receive a $100 savings bond. Pre-registration is required and participation is limited to the first 100 children. The official rules and entry form can be found under the Baby and Kids Expo link."
Yup, a Diaper Derby, then me and my books. How very "Puppet Show and Spinal Tap" is that?
Of course, if anyone can loan me a baby, I'm game to enter. I mean, come on - a hundred dollar savings bond? That's worth pitting your youngster Pamper-to-Pamper, right?
And may the best bottom win!