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Madeleine Albright and CHICKEN BUTT!


Today, I did two book events and got my first opportunity to break out my, er, new book and shake it.

My BUTT! had a LOT of fans, young and not-so-young. One grown-up even tried to walk off with my only BUTT! (to be fair, he didn't know it was my only BUTT!... he quickly preordered his own).

Several other authors were signing, including my pals Laura Krauss Melmed, Jennifer O'Connell, and Susan Stockdale, and some grown-up authors too, such as the esteemed Madame Secretary of State, Madeleine Abright, herself. Mrs. Albright bought a copy of NINETY-THREE IN MY FAMILY, just to show she didn't only have eyes for my BUTT!

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