Hey, John Adams Elementary...

You know WHAT??!!
Oh, wait, you do know what. Because I visited your school today and together we read NINETY THREE IN MY FAMILY, CHICKEN BEDTIME IS REALLY EARLY and (ahem) CHICKEN BUTT! I had a great time and I hope you did too. If for any reason I did not get to your question - or you just want to say hello - send me an e-mail!
And to all the kids at Cora Kelly Elementary School, can't wait to meet you on Thursday!
Your pal,
Reader Comments (3)
i am priya from cora kelly. how long
does it take to write a book?
Hi, Priya! Such a good question! Sometimes it takes me a couple of months to write and revise a book. Other times I write some of it, then I get stuck and have to come back to it again and again. I was looking at one of my picture books today and realizing it took me about three years just to write it! Hope you had fun yesterday - I know I did. And thanks for your question.
Yours truly,
Hi Erica,
This is Ms. Barton from Cora Kelly. We had such a wonderful time with you. We loved your stories and your hats! Thank you so much for sharing your books with us.
Keep reading and writing!
Ms. Barton