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Blogtour Prize Drawing Results!

Well, I'm finally back at the coop, after the very fun and successful New York, er, leg of the No Butts About Reading book tour (starring me and my butt - CHICKEN BUTT!, that is - plus Ayun Halliday and her heinie - ALWAYS LOTS OF HEINIES AT THE ZOO, that is). Here are a couple more fotos of our antics, including hanging out behind Patience and Fortitude (I think this is Patience's rear, but don't quote me) at the New York Public Library:


and reading/signing/drawing-animal-butts at New York literary institutions including Bank Street Books, Books of Wonder, WORD Brooklyn, and The NYPL. We even got to share the stage with Fran Manushkin and Tracy Dockray, author and illustrator of THE TUSHY BOOK. Here's Tracy flexing her artistic muscles:


Sadly, all good things must come to an END (as demonstrated by the back cover of Ayun's book, seen here). But New York City is just a little goofier and a little more buttastic thanks to us.

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Oh, hey, before I forget. Are you wondering who won THE CHICKEN BUTT! BLOG TOUR PRIZE DRAWING? The grand prize winner is: Christine! She wins a signed copy of CHICKEN BUTT! plus a butt-load of bookmarks and tattoos! I've also selected three runner-ups - jennsbookshelf, devourers(dot)books(at)gmail(dot)com, and ya ya's mom - and all will received signed bookmarks and CHICKEN BUTT! tattoos if they simply send me their mailing addresses (email erica[at]ericaperl[dot]com).

And my honorable mention prize - not chosen at random, I confess, but awarded because this entrant wanted to win SO BAD she entered twice - goes to lesly7ch(at)yahoo(dot)com. For her extra effort, she gets bookmarks and tattoos too. Plus Sherry K won a signed copy over at Chicken Spaghetti! Wow! That's a lot of BUTT! Thanks to everyone who entered, and the wonderful bloggers who hosted me. I had a blast!

If you did not win this time, please get yourself a BUTT! anyway. If you find me at BEA or elsewhere, I will happily sign your BUTT! for you, and give you a bookmark or a tattoo or two (I'm rarely without 'em).

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