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I just received the galleys (bound, paperback Advance Reading Copies, aka "ARCs") for my first young adult novel, VINTAGE VERONICA, plus some nice glossy covers like the ones that will go on the actual hardcover book! Yes, it seems early (the book doesn't come out until next Spring), but I am NOT complaining. Thought I'd share my excitement about them with all of you here:




Love that cover! Love that spine!

Oops! Just noticed that two books over from mine is WEARING VINTAGE, which I believe I borrowed from Alison Morris while researching the book and never returned. Hmmm... probably should have remedied that before posting these...

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Reader Comments (2)

I like how it's placed exactly next to Dear Genius :)

And Erica, it's GORGEOUS!! I don't even read YA and I will read that book no matter what. Oh, I'm so excited for you!! Congrats!

June 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBoni Ashburn

I love, love that cover--it's actually what sent me off in search of some sort of site for and more info on you and your book :D Congratulations on its release and it's awesome soundingness!


October 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBook Sp(l)ot

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