Operation Teen Book Drop Video

Today at lunchtime, I took a stroll with my fellow First Bookers, Mitali Chakraborty and Matthew White, to drop a copy of Vintage Veronica on an unsuspecting teen (or two) as part of Operation Teen Book Drop Day. We chose the Museum of Natural History, in part because it is such a cool place, in part because my friend Shari Werb works there and we had grand plans of a password-protected drop, and in part because it is two blocks from the First Book office.
The fact that there was a DQ Blizzard truck parked across from it had nothing to do with it, I swear.
Unfortunately, being the Museum's Director of Education means NOTHING, and since Shari was not able to appear magically at the Info. Desk to open a can of whupp-- ahem, I mean, to educate the confused info. desk volunteers about Operation TBD -- we were unable to leave the book inside the building. No matter. We went out front and quickly located two 14 year olds who seemed like good candidates for the drop. We hovered, then approached... and dropped Vintage Veronica, literally, into their eager hands. Mission accomplished!
There's actually video of the hand-off, too. However, since the girls were part of a school group, we were not able to get parental permission on the spot. As soon as their teacher sends it along, I'll post the happy ending to this tale.
For more info. re: Operation Teen Book Drop go here.
Reader Comments (1)
Very cool. You'll have to let us know at readergirlz and GLW if/when you post the second video!