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Read a book, win a hat!

In addition to being one of the most energetic, funny, charming and aptly named people I know, my dear pal Charisma Ridgley is... a champion knitter!  And she has made an offer that even I can't refuse - although I guess I'm disqualified, for reasons that will be obvious in a moment - she will HANDKNIT A HAT for each of the first ten people to read Vintage Veronica and post their reviews on Amazon, Good Reads or other reputable book-review-laden sites.

What's more, there's a Vintage Veronica book give-away going on at TheHidingSpot, so if you're double-lucky you could win the book AND win a hat.  And did I mention the hats are cute?  Check it out:

As you can see, Charisma's cute, too, but you can't win her.

So, here are the rules:

One, read Vintage Veronica.  Buy a copy (or several, if you feel inspired) or check it out of your local library!

Two, write a review of it.  Ideally one that is thought out and would make your English teacher happy.  Five stars totally optional but we won't try to stop you!

Three, post the review on a reputable site that traffics in book reviews and/or books (e.g. Amazon, Good Reads or your own blog, frankly).

Four, send me the link (erica at ericaperl.com) and I'll send Charisma your info. so she can send you your hat!

Five, do us a favor and live in the continental United States to make life and postage easier for Charisma, OK?

That's it!

Happy reading and writing... leave the knitting to Knitmaster C!


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