Presenting: More Pups of Moretown (VT!)

O.J. loves to get mail (oj at ericaperl dot com!), and today he was treated to a great email from Diana Puffer, a 5/6 teacher at Moretown Elementary School in Moretown, VT. She told O.J.: "My students got together with our 2nd grade buddies and made our own dogs like OJ. They had so much fun and came out amazing!!!"
And she sent photos, so you can see her fabulous students and their new pets:
But wait there's more... (of course there's more - these kids are from Moretown!)
Here's the "more":
Diana and her school librarian, Meg Allison, have created activities based on When Life Gives You OJ. For example, they are planning to work with the 2nd grade buddies to make a biography about the dogs through the eyes of the dogs. (I love that idea!) She also thought the kids might work with their local Humane Society, Central Vermont Humane Society, to create bios for dogs needing adoptive parents. And here's another great idea: turning the dogs into "doggie" banks and try to raise money for the local Humane Society.
Great job on the dogs, and great collaboration! Let me know how these projects go and keep those stories and photos coming!
Reader Comments (1)
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Erica! We have been simply a-buzzing with excitement after connecting with you. We can't wait to see where our learning takes us - but one thing is for certain, we'll be out taking our new puppies on walks out and about and all over. Be well~