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Top Five High-Fives for O.J.

  • 1. Amazon Best Middle Grade Book of the Month!

  • 2. ALA Booklist says "The fact that (Zelly) has as much to teach Ace as he has to teach her is just one satisfying element of this funny, often wise novel, which touches on issues of anti-Semitism and middle-school malice and includes a glossary of Yiddish words used throughout the text. In the end, Zelly’s triumph isn’t the dog she eventually gains, but the steps she takes to reach him.

  • 3. Publishers Weekly says "this warm novel about family, friendship, and fitting in... offers a refreshing take on the grandparent-grandchild rapport. The novel strikes an admirable balance of humor and pathos--at times in the same scene."  

  • 4. ModernJewishMom.com says "I cannot recommend it highly enough...  it is a must-read for every 8-12 year old."  

  • 5. And, last but not least: Eli Smulson, age 9, says "It's hilarious!"


Amazon Picks O.J.!

Let me be clear:  I LOVE indie bookstores and booksellers and always will. (meaningful pause to convey just how serious I am)  So please don't think I'm betraying my beliefs when I say, ahem, "Wooo-HOO!" over this:


Thank you SO much, Amazon editors!  Especially for putting me in a class of four (middle grade novels, that is) with giants like Elise Broach, Kathryn Erskine and Kevin Henkes!  Yup, that's right - Mr. Slinger himself!

For me, that - in and of itself - is better than a bowl of cherries.


Rosie Goes to Washington

A few weeks ago, I agreed to host a houseguest.  Her name was Rosie and she had brown eyes, big earrings and a winning smile.  She seemed a little two-dimensional, but that was because she was.  Flat, that is.  Like Stanley, only Rosie happens to be a girl.  So explained Norah, the girl who made her, in the letter she sent with Rosie.

My job was simple: show her a good time.  Since I live in our nation's capitol and work a block from the center of all the action, it was easy.  Here are some photos from our time together:


That's Rosie enjoying being taller than the Washington monument.

And that's Rosie at the White House.

Great assignment, by the way, Mr. Stratford.  And thanks for loaning Rosie to me, Norah!  


It's Official: Aces Wild!

At last I can go public with an exciting piece of news:  there will be a follow-up book to When Life Gives You O.J.!  The deal was reported in today's Publisher's Lunch Weekly Deluxe:  Erica Perl's ACES WILD, the sequel to WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU O.J., to Erin Clarke at Knopf Children's, for publication in June 2012. 

Ace, Zelly, O.J. and I are all wagging our tails excitedly at the prospect of more adventures!  Thank you Erin Clarke, Nancy Hinkel, Carrie Hannigan and everyone at Random House/Knopf Books for Young Readers!!!


Booklist loves O.J!

More kvelling!  This time over Booklist's lovely review of When Life Gives You O.J., in which they said, "The fact that (Zelly) has as much to teach Ace as he has to teach her is just one satisfying element of this funny, often wise novel, which touches on issues of anti-Semitism and middle-school malice and includes a glossary of Yiddish words used throughout the text. In the end, Zelly’s triumph isn’t the dog she (spoiler alert!) eventually gains, but the steps she takes to reach him."

Today is the final day of my giveaway of FIVE signed copies of When Life Gives You O.J.  So if you are interested, send me an email at erica at ericaperl dot com to enter.