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Glitterlimes... make that oranges!

I recently discovered Debbie Tuch and her jewelry business, Glitterlimes. Debbie makes beautiful, iconic necklaces, pins, rings and more by dipping real fruit and candies in resin, then blinging them out with glitter.

But the item I knew I needed to have was this:

Yes, that's me and my agent, Carrie Hannigan, sporting our gorgeous glitter oranges in honor of When Life Gives You O.J.  Haven't decided if I'll wear it tomorrow at BEA, but if I do and you see me, please stop me and say hello!

Need your own slice of (orange, lime, blood orange, etc.) heaven?  Email debbie at glitterlimes dot com or visit her very yummy website.



O.J. Book Trailer and Giveaway

I'm soooo excited to share my new book trailer for When Life Gives You O.J. It stars several of my favorite dogs (including Georgie, Louie, Rhubarb and Jo Jo) as well as my favorite "practice dog" - O.J.  It also stars my pal Olivia V. (well, her legs, anyway).  Drink up, folks!  O.J. isn't just for breakfast any more!

I am also giving away five signed copies of the book!  If you'd like to be included in the drawing, send me an email (erica at ericaperl dot com) by 11:59 p.m. on May 31, 2011.

If you don't win, never fear... it can be preordered now and it comes out June 14!


Almost Time for O.J.

Today, I'm in NY for BEA, but last night my family and I went over to our friends and neighbors' house for dinner and I brought along my almost-out copy of When Life Gives You O.J. along.  Ten-year-old Meredith took one look and, well, you'll see:




PW loves O.J.!

I am kvelling, people, over the lovely review Publishers Weekly gave to WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU O.J. (which is coming out, eek!, in just over a month!  I'd better finish that book trailer, pronto!).  Here's what they had to say:

In this warm novel about family, friendship, and fitting in, 10-year-old Zelly and her family move from Brooklyn to Vermont to live with her recently widowed grandfather, Ace. An eccentric and vociferous retired judge who spouts Yiddish sayings and outlandish fish tales, Ace devises a plan for Zelly to prove to her parents that she's responsible enough to get a dog. He gives her a "practice dog"--an orange juice jug "named" O.J.--that she must care for as she would a real dog. After Zelly's insightful new friend Jeremy (the only other Jewish peer she's met) advises her to start a dog-walking business, she drags her ersatz pet along. Perl (Vintage Veronica) offers a refreshing take on the grandparent-grandchild rapport. Ace's bossiness and brashness irk Zelly (he may have this effect on readers, too, as his speech is unfortunately rendered in all caps for most of the novel), yet there is a poignant undercurrent of love between them, as well as shared grieving for Zelly's grandmother. The novel strikes an admirable balance of humor and pathos--at times in the same scene. Ages 8–12. (June)

It is always nice when a reviewer really gets what you are trying to convey in a book.   Also great when a review mentions tiny details that you feel are key (e.g. there's a boy character! it's a book about Jews but it's not just a book for Jewish kids!) as well as the Big Stuff. 

So, thank you PW!  Between that and all the fun I had at the Children's Choice Book Awards, Monday was a great day!



Old Dog, No New Tricks

The good news:  she's still around, and able to walk, eat and accept cuddles at the ripe old age of almost-19.

The bad news:  sometimes she has no idea where she is (though I like to think she still knows who we are).
