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Gaithersburg Book Festival

As you can see, it was a gorgeous day in Gaitherburg, MD and me and my Kidlit author peeps were out in the park enjoying the 1st Annual Gaitherburg Book Festival. Other towns take note - this was a class act! Parking passes, author escorts, a Blue Room tent complete with cold beverages and, inexplicably, pudding (???)... All nice touches appreciated by this author and many others!

I also enjoyed getting to see my pals Sara Lewis Holmes, Jon Skovron and (honorary kidlitter) Sarah Blake, and it was great to meet Tom Angleburger (Origami Yoda) because I love his books and he taught me to fold my own (see his site if you want to learn). This pic is of me, Sara and Tom.

Sara's lovely tat also demanded to be photoed. Now all she needs is a Chicken Butt! tat to go with it.


You know WHO?

You know who greeted me on my return home from New York? Yes, my longsuffering husband and fractious kids. BUT also...

My dear pal Chicken Butt! The most recent prototype, voice box included, which means it is only a matter of time until you, too, can have a cheeky chicken of your own. I for one can't wait.


Chilly-dren's Choice Awards

Yes, I heard the forecast: 40 degrees in NYC tonight. And, yes, for the Children's Choice Book Awards I'm wearing this dress, because I love it and wanted an excuse to wear it.

I'll bet it will look smashing with a parka and balaclava.


Happy Mother's Day

From our brood to yours!


No Way

Using my new squarespace app to blog from my phone. This might just change my life.