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Happy Father's Day

To all my favorite dads (including my baby bro, Sasha, who is not shown here because I can't find a photo of him on my Iphone). Especially Mike, who is driving us up a mountain as I post this!


Here's why

A mockingbird attacks my dog every time she goes outside:

Cute, but not worth losing an eye over!


BEA Moments 2010

So, to start us off, here's Fergie speaking at the Children's Book Breakfast.  She was self-deprecating and fairly charming, grace under pressure and all that.  And, in more shocking news, there were regular-sized muffins, bagels and cream cheese.  That's right - actual food at the breakfast.  Now there's a story for Page Six.

Here's my beloved Chicken Butt! the doll, hanging with his fellow Merrymakers stuffies (to use our household term for all things plush), Otis, Fly Guy and Bear.  This particular Chicken Butt! is the strong silent type because his voice box has not yet been installed.  I heard it, though, and he sounds hilarious.  And suspiciously like Henry Cole...

Getting batty and cheeky together: me and Brian Lies (Lies rhymes with "please" like Perl rhymes with "girl"), of Bats at the Library - and Beach - fame.

Why, yes, that is Daniel Ehrenhaft.  Hi, Dan!  Wave to the nice people.

And speaking of nice people, how nice is that Mitali Perkins?  Here she is with me and my pal and colleague at First Book, Chandler Arnold.  It looks like we're at a Chinese restaurant, but we are not.  We're at BEA!



Rosalind's Pick: Vintage Veronica

I just learned that Rosalind Wiseman made Vintage Veronica her "pick" and gave a glowing review on her site. Check it out here.  Rosalind is a YA author in her own right, but is perhaps best known as the author of the nonfiction book, Queen Bees and Wannabe's (aka the book that inspired Tina Fey's movie Mean Girls).  I am totally honored by this endorsement, and thrilled that Rosalind's recommendation might get Veronica into the hands of more teens, librarians, teachers and parents!  

In her review, Rosalind says:  "I’d recommend this novel for any girl who’s ever felt out of place because of her quirky interests, anyone who’s ever felt the need to hide from the world, and, of course, for any vintage fashion lovers.  It is a flawless and fun summer read."

Well, that sure made my week!  Quite possibly my month.


Back at work

Now that BEA is over, I will go back to work tomorrow, but my pal Chicken Butt! was hard at work today, reviewing Henry Cole's fabulous sketches for... Chicken Butt's Back!