Mother Reader!

Today's blog tour post comes from the inimitable MOTHER READER.
How fitting, as we get close to Mother's Day!
The CHICKEN BUTT! blog tour chugs on... next stop, A PEN AND A NEST!
Today's blog tour post comes from the inimitable MOTHER READER.
How fitting, as we get close to Mother's Day!
The CHICKEN BUTT! blog tour chugs on... next stop, A PEN AND A NEST!
Wow, am I logging a lot of frequent-flyer blogtour miles. Today I am visiting Tales from the Rushmore Kid, which is based in California but is the home of Tina Nichols Coury, who has written about Mount Rushmore (hence the blog name).
Here's Tina's wonderful post:
Keep those comments coming, folks! When it comes to prize drawings, gotta be in it to win it.
Smooth sailing on the CHICKEN BUTT! blog tour so far. Today I'm visiting Maw Books, where they welcomed me with this wonderful video:
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Thanks to the whole Maw Books blog family!
Announcing the CHICKEN BUTT! blog tour!
Featuring exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes peeks at The Making of The BUTT, and incredible give-aways including CHICKEN BUTT! tattoos, bookmarks and - drumroll, please - signed books!!!
The CHICKEN BUTT! book tour will be taking place from May 4th - 14th, 2009 at the following fabulous chicken's - er, I mean children's - literature blogs:
5/4 = Natasha Maw's MAW BOOKS BLOG
5/5 = Tina Nichols Coury's TALES FROM THE RUSHMORE KID
5/6 = Pam Couglan's MOTHERREADER
5/7 = Kimberly Willis Holt's A PEN AND A NEST
5/8 = Terry Golson's HEN BLOG
5/11 = Elizabeth Bird's FUSE # 8
5/12 = Shelly Burns' WRITE FOR A READER
5/13 = Susan Thomsen's CHICKEN SPAGHETTI
5/14 = Andrea Beatty, Julia Durango and Carolyn Crimi's THREE SILLY CHICKS
To register for the prize drawings, all you have to do is visit any or all of the blogs I'm touring and then log a comment here at CHICKEN FEED (the blog you're reading right now!). You can also purchase a copy or several of CHICKEN BUTT!, which is not required for participation in our prize drawing, but is just a fun thing to do if I do say so myself.
At the end of the blog tour (and perhaps at some point in the middle... we'll have to see how this goes) I'll award prizes and give-aways by weeding out entries from my relatives - sorry, mom - and pulling some of the remaining names out of my wonderful CHICKEN BUTT! hat (knitted and crochet by the talented Sara Moses aka Ibbyskibby).
Okay, CHICKEN BUTT! fans. See y'all on The Internets!
And at the BETHESDA (MD) BARNES AND NOBLE Saturday, May 9th at 11:00 a.m. IN PERSON!
Well, the No Butts About Reading! Book Tour is off to a great start. Ayun Halliday and I visited Charlottesville, Richmond and Fredericksburg, making friends and shaking our tail feathers as much as possible.
Highlights so far have included:
1) visiting Joan Kindig (and her family and friends, some of who took the trouble of sculpting "butt cupcakes" - as you can see - to resemble the animals in our books),
2) visiting Narnia, the wonderful bookstore in Richmond, where the staff is so lovely and the window display includes the rear view of many animals and storybook characters (including Clifford the Big Red Dog's big red butt!), and
3) visiting Jabberwocky, the amazingly chock-a-block children's bookstore in Fredericksburg, which also boasts fabulous sales staff and dedicated customers.
There are more events here in the DC area coming soon. And if you are in NY, check out our NYC gigs.
Plus, starting Monday, I will be visiting a blog a day for two weeks. Should be fun! Stay tuned....