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Nice Press from Camp Hamp

Please enjoy this profile, courtesy of the good folks at my alma mater, Hampshire College:

Erica S. Perl

Did you also know that located on the Hamshire College campus is the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art? Nestled in an apple orchard, it makes for a dandy fall destination!

I swear the alumni office folks who profiled me did NOT put me up to saying that.


Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to me.
I'm a hundred and three.
But the lady next door
Is a hundred and four!


Spotted on Anna Maria!

My dear cousin Lucy (not to be confused with my dear dog, Lucy) just spotted CHICKEN BEDTIME IS REALLY EARLY in the coolest place: the blog of design and fabric maven, Anna Maria Horner!

I've never checked her site out before but I am now officially in awe and in love. So if anyone wants to get me a gift for my (hint! hint! next month!) birthday, look no further.

Meanwhile, I will be dropping her a fan note to tell her what a lovely site she has (and what excellent taste in kids' books her children have!).



I just received the galleys (bound, paperback Advance Reading Copies, aka "ARCs") for my first young adult novel, VINTAGE VERONICA, plus some nice glossy covers like the ones that will go on the actual hardcover book! Yes, it seems early (the book doesn't come out until next Spring), but I am NOT complaining. Thought I'd share my excitement about them with all of you here:




Love that cover! Love that spine!

Oops! Just noticed that two books over from mine is WEARING VINTAGE, which I believe I borrowed from Alison Morris while researching the book and never returned. Hmmm... probably should have remedied that before posting these...

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Poultry Dressing

Thanks to my pal, Kim G., for this lovely shot of her son, Oslo, and his homage to poultry-themed children's literature, not to mention the whole poultry lifestyle, complete with Eames chair and wireless gagetry. Keep on clucking, buddy! Buck buck!