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Kid Journalists in My Bathroom!

To be fair, most of our interview was conducted in other parts of the house. But when I finished the tour in our "drawing room", these fabulous fifth grade writers - Max, Emma, and Olivia - could not resist making their mark. Look closely - even Olivia's little brother got in on the fun.

Who could blame 'em? We'd just been talking about seizing the moment to write and here was a nice black surface and a bowl of chalk. I was honored to be the subject of their profile and can't wait to read all about our conversation in the Blue and Gold!

Junior journalists, take a page from these kids' book: have your advisor email a writer and set up an interview, do your homework (go to a book store or library and read her books in advance), come with a list of questions, notebooks, a recording device and a camera, and be great guests and good listeners. Bonus points for you: some authors (myself included) provide cookies to their interviewers!

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    Response: Columbus Day 2014
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    Response: www.speakers.ca
    The data assembling part of a columnist's employment is at times called reporting, as opposed to the creation part of the occupation, for example, composing articles.
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    Response: katana

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