Kojo Nnamdi Show!

On Wednesday 12/18/13 at 1 pm on @kojoshow I will have the pleasure of talking kids and teen books with the lovely and well-read Edie Ching and Heidi Powell as well as the fabulous host of The Kojo Nnamdi Show, Kojo himself.
As I mentioned via social media, nothing I have done in life thusfar has impressed my husband as much. Nothing. Not giving birth without anesthesia. Not running a half-marathon. Not having ten books published in ten years (OK, I haven't done that yet, but with Goatilocks and the Three Bears, next year I will). Nope - it took Kojo to get him to raise the Impressed Eyebrow.
What will I say when I take to the airwaves? Which books will I gush about? Tune in tomorrow!
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