Happy Birthday to Lu!

Tonight marked the official celebration of our beloved dog, Lucy, turning 18.
Yes, years. Yes, people years, not dog years. And we've had her for seventeen of them.
In that time she's gone from being the fastest dog on four feet to being a dedicated snoozer who needs to be encouraged to shuffle outside on a quasi-regular basis. She stopped chasing squirrels and tennis balls when her vision made it challenging to tell them apart. And she stopped jumping into my arms like a circus performer long before that.
Impressive old girl that she is, she still eats like a horse. She still licks the salt off my calves when I come in from a run. She still enjoys getting her ears or hind quarters scratched (or, ideally, both at the same time). And her favorite treat is still ice cream. Ideally the high quality variety, like Ben & Jerry's Vanilla.
So, to celebrate Lucy's new ability to vote in national elections and purchase cigarettes (she cleared the R-rated movie hurdle last year), we took her out for dessert tonight. The kids thought a nice treat would be the special "doggie ice cream" they sell at our neighborhood pet boutique. However, Lucy snubbed it, choosing people ice cream - hazelnut gelato - instead. Hang in there, Lucy, I told her. In another three years, you'll be old enough to order a nice glass of chianti to go with it!
Happy birthday, Lucy!!!