Shamelessly Promoting First Book

In addition to my own ALA commitments and fun, I had a wonderful time running a pro-First Book video shoot with my colleagues and some terrific authors, some of whom you may know...
In addition to my own ALA commitments and fun, I had a wonderful time running a pro-First Book video shoot with my colleagues and some terrific authors, some of whom you may know...
... And me! #ala10
1) Meeting and signing books with the wonderful Henry Cole (and getting to hold the giant Chicken Butt! doll)
2) No wonder Lauren Myracle relates so well to tweens... She's secretly 10 and a half!
3) Daniel Kirk and Library Mouse (who reminds me of someone I know)
4) Nelda Chang, queen of the boom mike, at the First Book Shameless Promotion Chamber.
Real quick, here are my ALA plans:
Friday, 6/25 Kidlit Drinks Night
Saturday, 6/26 10 a.m. signing that "charmer" of a book (Kirkus!), DOTTY, at the Abrams booth (#2732) and CHICKEN BUTT! too, with Henry Cole!
Saturday - Sunday, 6/26-6/27 Hanging out with some of my favorite authors, all of whom seem to be shamelessly promoting First Book (seems to be a trend...)
Sunday, 6/27 Attending the Newbury/Caldecott banquet with Abrams
Monday, 6/28 Lunch with my wonderful editor at Knopf, Erin Clarke (and collapsing with exhaustion)
and then
Tuesday - Wednesday 6/29-6/30 Presenting at the 25th Annual Shenandoah Children's Literature Conference, along with some fabulous authors and illustrators like Katherine Paterson, David Wiesner, Deborah Wiles, Amy Krouse Rosenthal, Henry Cole, Blue Balliett and more!